Technological Mediation / Mundo Chico Cinema

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Mundo Chico Cinema
InstitutionSignis Argentina / education department
ArchdiocesisBuenos Aires
diócesisLa Plata - Morón-Bahia Blanca- Mar del plata -Córdoba-Santo Domingo
Responsible / sLidia Greco
PlacesCity of Buenos Aires and Localities of the Argentine Republic and the Dominican Republic
Number of project recipients30 a 100 a
Age Rangestudents from 13 to 17 years old.
El Peligro - Pcia de Buenos Aires
Objectives and goals

- Initiate children in a reflective reception of the cinematographic message

- Initiate adolescents in the cinema-debate methodology, from dialogue in small groups to sharing in plenary.

- Develop in children and adolescents a taste for another cinema, different from the commercial to which they are more accustomed.

- Promote training in the work methodology for teachers, managers and responsible adults of different groups of children and adolescents.

- Stimulate through communication education an active capacity with respect to the media.

- Develop a link with the distributors, directors and producers of films awarded by the OCIC and SIGNIS.


- Develop annually film-debate cycles with films awarded by the Ocic and Signis, for children and adolescents from schools in the urban, suburban and rural popular sectors of the country;

- When possible in other Latin American sites within the Signis ALC Cinema and Citizenship Network.

- Benefit children and adolescents from middle and low-income schools, both Catholic and public schools.


JustificationCinematography provides an excellent opportunity to reflect through stories and technical resources on human and Christian rights, the rights of children and adolescents and the culture of peace. The cinema-debate methodology grants those who participate to appropriate significant values and discern the disvaluations that appear.
"The media have the ability to influence not only the ways of thinking, but also the content of thought (...) by the power they have to strengthen or destroy traditional references in matters of religion, culture and family ”(Aetatis Novae, 4)
Description of the environment

N iNOS and adolescents few resources urban areas, suburban and peripheral .Entidades formal and informal teaching system


- Invitation to schools, privileging those that have participated in other editions of the cycle and generating new networks by linking with Signis members from the interior and from Latin America (for the new headquarters)

- Contact the distributors of the films selected for the exhibition to request copies and accompanying materials (posters, photos, pressbooks.) Establish a particular dialogue with the directors and producers of the films that are members of the exhibition that will be invited to the panels of closure of each of the cycles. In particular, the participation of local creators in the audiovisual field will be taken into account.

- Invitation and coordination meeting and pre-cycle training with the moderators and with the teachers of the participating schools for each one of the film-debate to be held.

- Completion of the cycle.

Each CINE MUNDO CHICO cycle will, in principle, have a duration of three business days making projections and debates both in the morning and in the afternoon. However, the cycle can be adapted to the particular needs of each of the inland or Latin American cities, for example by combining projections by region.

Some of the different cycles are carried out with schools in low-resource settings, making it unthinkable to charge any fee, no matter how low it may be. The completion of the cycles is absolutely free.

Within the CINE MUNDO CHICO program, Training Workshops are also held for teachers interested in using cinema as a pedagogical resource for education.

At the end of the cycle, each manager and / or assistant teachers are given folders containing material on the projected film and a Didactic Guide to continue the work in the classrooms.

Each cycle is evaluated through an anonymous survey of attendees so that the project can be adjusted through the experiences of its realization.


The long history of the Cine Mundo Chico cycles revitalizes us for their continuity, since with organizational efforts, commitment on the part of the members of Signis Argentina and the dynamic participation of teachers and directors of the participating schools, highly gratifying results are obtained by the value that its participants give to the experience and by the verification that the proposed objectives are corroborated by the enthusiastic and significant participation of the children and young people for whom it is intended.
If we think about the limits of the experience, we could point out that the distances with some sites interested in its realization, which cause costly transfers, would be the main obstacle to overcome.

Future prospects: (new challenges, challenges that arise from the realization of the narrated experience)
The main objective we have at this time is to open new offices to carry out cycles, creating in each place, after the first experience, work groups that act autonomously to continue in the future, coordinated by the Signis Educommunication Department Argentina.
Strive to broaden the spectrum of older young people, reaching tertiary institutes of teacher training, to add to the pedagogical tools that the institutional curriculum offers them the use of cinematography as another approach to teaching their specific subjects as well as resources for the treatment of school situations that exist at this time.
Carry out, to the extent of the transfer possibilities, cycles in different places in Latin America to testify to the work methodology, facilitating the option of taking the model in each national associate within the framework of the Signis ALC Cinema and Citizenship Network.

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